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Untunglah..Tak Tahan Dengan Jerebu, Chef Wan ‘Cabut Lari’ Ke Australia

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Sejak dari semalam kalau kita lihat jerebu makin lama makin tebal sehingga boleh menjejaskan kesihatan kita. Antaranya, Chef Wan yang terjejas kesihatannya dengan kesan jerebu tersebut.
Selsema, batuk dan sakit tekak menyebabkan Chef Wan terus ‘lari’ ke Australia. Hmm, kalau kami banyak duit pun kami juga akan buat perkara yang sama, best betul jadi Chef Wan ni.

Glad to get away from the haze as i am starting to feel abit of a sore throat.

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All set to fly off to Sydney.I have a new book to read onboard ” Do it anyway” by Kent M.Keith.
Finding personal meaning and deep happines by living the Paradoxical Commandments.
This book has great meaning with the way how i see life.
Late night flight are always fun to read quitely.
Usually i dont eat onboard if its too late or enjoy a light snack.
By doing so i find i am more restful during my sleep.
Too heavy tummy make me feel restless.
The flight tonight is full both sector i was told.
Just glad to get away from the haze as i am starting to feel abit of a sore throat.
Minum air dah bergallon pun!????????????
Nite2 Sweetdream.

At last it works and kepala pun tak la pusing sangat.

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While on my 8hrs flight to Sydney semlm i felt so uncomfortable with my sinus and allergic.My nose was running all night mcm kena flu pulak.I kept sneezing, itchy nose and nose blocked.
Bila stuffy tentu la nak tidur pun tak boleh.
The haze really effect me badly semlm.
My throat was tight and sore and my eyes pun start rasa watery.
Ni semua symptom kena sinus.
Cari KLIA airport pill sinus pun tak ada di Pharmacy, haram! Nenek i kata Haram Jadah! All airport Pharmacy around the world mesti ada untuk Travellers ni.Ini tidak ubat buasir dan kurap bersepah mau pun Condom! Haram jadah sekali lagi!
Tiba saja di Sydney after my shower terus pi pharmacy bawa penthouse ini.
At last it works and kepala pun tak la pusing sangat.
I decided to just rest at home and have a nap.
Might see some friends over coffee tonight.
Esok ada Sunday brunch invitation at my friend Paul home.Joining us will be 3 to 4 others common friends of us in Sydney.
Nak pi ke bandar tu pun balik2 tu la Opera house, the bridge and the Rock.Naik jelak dah all this touristic landmark.
So i decided to rest la.
Later will walk into Centenial park jika rajin.
Have a great weekend.
Menurutnya, kesan daripada jerebu tersebut membuatkan Chef Wan terkena symptom sinus. Maklumlah mungkin dengan keadaannya tak kuat macam kita ini, mudah terkesan dengan gejala sinus ini.
Jadi, untuk kita yang ada kat Malaysia ini, banyakkan lah minum air dan kurangkan aktiviti luar. Kepada Chef Wan, enjoy your holiday!

sumber : Oh Bulan
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